Sunday, 27 September 2015

Fun, food and Fresher's Flu.

This week marked the return of the students to campus! 

A welcome hello to the old hands and a warm welcome to the newbies! 

As part of welcome week for new students in the vet school, their are numerous activities for the students, most of this passes the post-grad compliment by, by and large the only difference we notice to our routines are increased noise levels, ten times the normal number of people present in the labs and the queue for coffee is considerably longer. 

However their are two free lunches to attend, sandwich and cakes and then later in the week a hog roast (deliciously sumptuous, tender hog roast, stuffing and apple sauce NOM!). One of the activities i did get involved in was the treasure hunt, running around campus finding answers to a clue. But the whole point of this week is to familiarise the students with campus. 

In addition on the main campus their has been welcome week, this is where you find out that the University of Nottingham is a fantastic place to study! The student union offers countless sports and societies to get involved in, all of which had a stall at some point around campus. Of course I might be biased but the best club at the university to join is the Judo club

I love the hustle and bustle of the return students, I'm more than a bit jealous as well, I would give my right hand to have the opportunity to study at the undergraduate or masters level again, the novelty of different modules each term, the optional modules removed from your normal field and best of all FREE time to try NEW sports and activities!! 

Of course their is one downside to their suddenly being a new cohort of individuals running around nottingham, bugs. So many bugs, consequently my immune system is currently fighting a rather unpleasant cold, one that makes you feel sick and gives you headaches. Charming. 

On that note i'm returning to my sofa spot, with a mug of chocolate and some comforting food and a dose of paracetamol. So to new students everywhere, enjoy your studies and try something new!!! 

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