In the life of a PhD student, it is your duty to go to conferences, get your work and name out there, network and make new contacts. This is something I have steadfastly been avoiding for 2 years. Not being blessed with an abundance of confidence, or results (which as least provides an under-confident me something to meekly talk about) the thought of attending a conference, albeit a small one, was a terrifying, anxiety inducing idea.
Frankly, when my supervisors suggested going, a blaring horn went off in my brain:
*tries desperately to think of an excellent reason not to go*
Whether I liked it or not, I was to go to Cambridge University and attend the DMDG conference and present a poster. Well I reasoned that a poster isn't too bad, in my opinion it is infinitely better than having to stand in front of a full audience and present for 25 minutes and then navigate a mine field of questions from experts. Other advantages, i had a free place. Then they tell me a I have to give a 5 minute poster blitz presentation to drum up interest. My worst nightmare has came true.
So I spent Wednesday driving to the University of Cambridge, UK, to attend my first conference. Surprisingly finding the venue wasn't too bad, in fact you've driven on to the campus before you even realise it. I booked in to the college, it was a relatively new college in the history of the university, it is a brick monstrosity. Put that aside, the food was good.
Then we begin. The mind boggling subject of mass spec, sampling and PK presentations begin. I spend three hours listening (and yes being confused) on a variety of topics. Then it is my turn. My five minutes of hell. I reached the podium, immensely relieved that I didn't trip up the steps onto the stage. I begin. My legs shaking so much I could put a pro tap dancer to shame. A blessed relief it is that people can't see my legs and hear my shoes on the wooden stage. I spoke, I wasn't too fast and my voice was calm, 5 minutes later and I'm done. PHEW!
Well I must of got something right, for the 2.5 hours of poster presentation time I had a steady stream of visitors, those wanting to know why I'm doing this subject and what I'm enjoying. Simple answers, someone is paying me and they are paying me more than my last job. Okay, that wasn't my actual response though it was certainly tempting to say so after hearing the same question a dozen times. But on the whole the feedback on my brief presentation and the poster was positive, some people even went so far as to comment they look forward to my publications (they will be looking for a while, i have nothing in my immediate pipeline - but it WILL happen). I can safely say I went to bed exhausted that night, but feeling positive about what I had done that day and achieved.
The remainder of the conference was filled with interesting talks, good food and better drinks. I met some interesting characters with fantastic sense of humours and some incredibly knowledgeable individuals.
Yes, the occasion felt very much like I'd come of age. I am definitely a PhD student.
For those whom are interested, here is my poster. All constructive feedback is welcome. :)
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